TIXEL Skin Rejuvenation

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Tixel Rejuvenation

Say goodbye to tired, dull, wrinkled or sagging skin with our revolutionary new skin rejuvenation treatment, available exclusively in Northern Ireland at The Skin Therapy Suite, Belfast.

This innovative treatment is a non-invasive way to refresh, rejuvenate and restore your skin leaving your skin looking smoother, firmer and revitalised.

Tixel uses heat to naturally boost collagen, improving tone, texture and overall skin quality, with results that last up to 24 months.

How does the Tixel Treatment Work?

Using cutting-edge, state-of-the-art technology, Tixel is a brand-new method of treating skin using thermos-mechanical ablative technology, to improve the tone and texture of the skin cells.  

Known for its ‘thermal effect’, the revolutionary Tixel machine uses advanced fractional thermal energy administered via the movement of a hand-held device with a medical-grade titanium tip and tiny pyramid-shaped pins gently ‘stamped’ onto the surface of the skin.

Targeting areas of concern, Tixel treatment transfers natural heat to your skin, which triggers and promotes natural collagen production and begins the skin rejuvenation process to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. We recommend a course of sessions to get the best results possible; however, following your first treatment, you will begin to notice an improvement in your skin.

As the only Clinic in Northern Ireland offering this technology, our team of Practitioners have been specially trained to administer this popular treatment.  

• Tixel delivers a fast and convenient treatment

• Delivers fantastic results

• Minimal pain/discomfort

• Minimal downtime (fast healing)

• No toxic chemicals, scalpels or needles, only natural means free of radiation and lasers

Tixel can treat a range of skin-related conditions. This includes:

• Wrinkles and fine lines

• Acne scars or any textural issues

• Skin discolouration

• Age spots

• Damaged skin (e.g. sunlight)

• Skin tone and texture

Tixel b+a

Common Questions

Using cutting-edge, state-of-the-art technology, Tixel is a brand-new method of treating skin using thermos-mechanical ablative technology, to improve the tone and texture of the skin cells.  

Known for its ‘thermal effect’, the revolutionary Tixel machine uses advanced fractional thermal energy administered via the movement of a hand-held device with a medical-grade titanium tip and tiny pyramid-shaped pins gently ‘stamped’ onto the surface of the skin.

Targeting areas of concern, Tixel treatment transfers natural heat to your skin, which triggers and promotes natural collagen production and begins the skin rejuvenation process to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. We recommend a course of sessions to get the best results possible; however, following your first treatment, you will begin to notice an improvement in your skin.

As the only Clinic in Northern Ireland offering this technology, our team of Practitioners have been specially trained to administer this popular treatment.  

Tixel treatment lasts roughly 20-30 minutes, depending on the area(s) being treated. However we allow 1 hour 20 minutes in total for the Consultation and aftercare advise.

Prior to treatment, a topical numbing cream can be applied to the face to minimize any discomfort. But the treatment can be done without numbing cream if you so wish.

During treatment, the Tixel machine will be applied to the area(s) of the skin being treated. During treatment, thermal energy will be controlled and varied depending on the condition being treated, through reducing skin contact and thermal conductivity.

Results can be seen as little as a week after treatment, however for longer lasting results we recommend a course of treatments.

In the 10 days following Tixel treatment, the damaged skin surface slowly recovers and heals up, leaving visibly fresh looking, smoother and younger skin. The skin lines, wrinkles and pigmentations will be reduced.

During Tixel treatment the patient may feel some heat, similar to sunburn. There may be slight discomfort. Although it is not necessary, topical numbing cream may be applied to areas being treated, prior to Tixel treatment.

The treatment itself take around 20-30 minutes depending on the area being treated. However, we allow 1 hour 20 minutes for a full consultation pre-treatment and aftercare advise post treatment.

After the Tixel treatment, the area may feel hot and look red. It is best to leave the area alone for several hours, then you may apply post care cream and follow the aftercare advise given by your practitioner.

After the Tixel treatment, the area may feel hot and look red. It is best to leave the area alone for several hours, then you may apply post care cream and follow the aftercare advise given by your practitioner.


Eyes: £250

Neck: £350

Décolletage: £400

Décolletage and neck: £650

Full Face £550 

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Other Treatments

The Meso-Tixel treatment works by providing Meso-therapy, with much faster, better results and with no downtime, compared to traditional meso-pen or machine-based mesotherapy treatments. 

The lightest treatment level, Meso-Tixel or ‘open channel’ procedures create “channels” in the upper layer of the skin that increase the absorption of topical ointments that address skin tightening, pigmentation issues, or rosacea. 


Full face £350 

Eyes £250